About W-film
W-FILM has been enriching the cinema landscape with artistically valuable independent and arthouse films since 2000. Our repertoire is diverse and includes documentaries and feature films from all over the world, whereby we pay particular attention to conveying socially relevant topics and promoting cultural exchange. We do not shy away from difficult debates and also bring controversial works such as Philip Gröning's radical masterpiece "Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot" or Jan Bonny's award-winning Nazi drama "Wintermärchen" to the big screen.
One focus of our programme is ENVIRONMENT & ACTIVISM DOCUS, which raises awareness of sustainability and climate protection. Films such as "Our Soil, Our Heritage" by Marc Uhlig or "NOW" by Jim Rakete portray inspiring stories and current topics such as the Greta generation and young climate activists. In September 2023, we will celebrate the premiere of the moving documentary film "Vergiss Meyn nicht" about the late activist Steffen Meyn, which has received numerous awards at national and international festivals and is nominated for the German Film Award in 2024. We also focus on debut works and films that are told from a FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE. Our special concern is to present stories that inspire and touch, and also to capture the diversity of FEMALE FILMMAKERS in order to ensure more representation in front of and behind the camera.
But entertainment is also provided! In addition to important food for thought, we offer playful comedies such as Valérie Donzelli's "Notre Dame - Love is a Construction Site" or David Wnendt's feel-good film "The Sunlit Night", which takes viewers to the magical landscape of the Lofoten Islands. With "Continental Drift (South)", viewers experience a satire in which Isabelle Carré shines as a resolute EU Commissioner. To guarantee a perfect cinema experience, we regularly organise unforgettable premieres, cinema tours and special screenings with filmmakers and experts.
In October 2019, W-FILM was honoured with the Distributor Award of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media for special achievements in the distribution of artistically outstanding films. W-FILM is a member of AG Verleih, Filmbüro NW and AG Kino.
Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER to stay informed about our latest favourite films. Discover our entire film repertoire in the catalogue on our website or in the W-FILM PDF catalogue, both thematically sorted to help you discover old and new film gems.

Stephan Winkler
Managing Director
mail (@) wfilm.de
Phone: +49 221 222 1980

Christina Gaertner
Press, Social Media
presse (at) cineconnect.com
Phone: +49 221 222 1992
About cine-connect
W-film works together with the agency cine-connect in the areas of press, marketing, cinema scheduling and post-production.

Malte Laibacher
Cinema Scheduling
malte.laibacher (@) cineconnect.com
Phone: +49 221 2221991

Jacqueline Engelhardt
Marketing, Film acquisition
jacqueline.engelhardt (at) cineconnect.com
Phone: +49 221 83008350

Marc Clausen
Digital Distribution, Graphic Design
marc.clausen (@) cineconnect.com