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Hannah: Buddhism's Untold Journey

Orginal title: Hannah: Buddhism's Untold Journey / United Kingdom 2014 / Documentary / 89 minutes / Director: Marta György-Kessler, Adam Penny / Suitable for 12 years and over

Documentary about Hannah Nydahl and her life for Buddhism

Everything begins with a great love in the 60s: Hannah and Ole Nydahl feel closely connected in their longing for spiritual freedom, in the search for something 'better'. In 1968, newly married, they follow the hippie trail from Copenhagen to Kathmandu. During this time, Nepal's capital magically attracts backpackers from all over Europe in search of spiritual experience or at least the intoxication of drugs and free love. But for Hannah and Ole this trip will be much more than a hippie adventure. They meet the man who was to change their lives forever, the 16th Karmapa, the 'King of Yogis'.

They become his first western students and make the worldwide dissemination of Buddhist teachings their common life project. For the next 35 years they tirelessly travel the roads between the continents and open hundreds of Buddhist centers worldwide. Until Hannah unexpectedly dies of cancer in 2007.

The award-winning film portrait "Hannah: Buddhism's Untold Journey" tells how the Danish Hannah Nydahl went from being a hippie to a pioneer of Buddhism in the West in the wild 1960s. For the first time, a documentary has created an impressive monument to this extraordinary woman, who is also affectionately known as the 'Mother of Buddhism'. Winner of the Audience Award at the Filmkunstmesse Leipzig 2017 and many more.


Festivals / film awards

  • 2017: Filmkunstmesse Leipzig, DE, Audience Award
  • 2017: Gilde-Filmpreis, AG Kino, DE
  • 2016: Bergfilmfestival Salzburg, AT
  • 2016: Film Fest International London, UK, Best Documentary
  • 2016: Film Fest International Madrid, ES , Official Selection
  • 2016: Golden Days, DK
  • 2015: Indian Cine Film Festival, IN , Best Documentary
  • 2015: International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City, MX, Official Selection
  • 2015: Vancouver International Film Festival, CA, Official Selection
  • 2014: Arpa International Film Festival, USA, Audience Award