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Premiere in Berlin

“urgewald — on the trail of money” celebrated its premiere in Berlin



On October 9, the documentary “urgewald - On the trail of money” celebrated its German premiere at the sold-out Kant Kino in Berlin to great applause from the audience. The film provides deep insights into the work of the environmental and human rights organization urgewald. It impressively illuminates the connections between the financial system and global corporate projects that destroy the environment and disregard human rights.

Before the screening, moderator Bernward Geier welcomed the supporters of the film launch: Fenya Kirst, representing Protect the Planet, and Jana Balter, representing Elektrizitätswerke Schönau. He also thanked Stephan Winkler from the film distributor W-FILM, which is bringing the film to cinemas across Germany.

The screening was followed by a lively discussion, during which the audience had the opportunity to meet director Peter Wejdling and urgewald founder Heffa Schücking in person. The story of how Peter Wejdling found the archive material was particularly entertaining: Boxes of long-forgotten VHS tapes were discovered in an old factory building in Sassenberg, including old series, “crime scenes” and early urgewald material. These recordings were digitized and enrich the film with unique historical insights.

An important moment in the making of the film was a four-hour interview with Heffa Schücking, which runs like a common thread through the documentary. The film impressively shows how urgewald follows the trail of money to enforce new rules for dealing with capital. The film makes it clear that it is not about abolishing capitalism, but about the targeted use of money as a tool to do good - a central theme of the documentary.

“urgewald - on the trail of money” opens in German cinemas on October 17.

Dortmund | 15.10. | sweetSixteen-Kino | 19:00 Uhr

Hamburg | 17.10. | Abaton Kino | 6 pm | With directors Karin & Peter Wejdling and Heffa Schücking, founder of urgewald e.V. and Roda Verheyen, climate journalist
Münster | 18.10. | Cinema | 6 pm  | With directors Karin & Peter Wejdling sowie Heffa Schücking, founder of urgewald e.V.
Aachen 19.10. | Apollo | 6 pm | with Katrin Ganswindt (urgewald)
Bonn | 20.10. | Neue Filmbühne | 11 am | with directors Peter Wejdling, Andrea Soth, managing director of urgewald e.V. and Vladimir Slivyak, winner of the Alt. Nobel Prize
Köln | 20.10. | Odeon | 2 pm | with directors Karin & Peter Wejdling and Vladimir Slivyak, winner of the Alt. Nobel Prize
Freiburg | 24.10. | Friedrichsbau Lichtspiele | 6 pm | with directors Karin & Peter Wejdling, Andrea Soth (urgewald), Dorothea Sick-Thies (founder of Protect the Planet and the Sick Environmental Foundation) and Vladimir Slivyak, winner of the Alt. Nobelpreises


München | 16.10. | Klimaherbst | 7 pm 
Düsseldorf | 17.10. | Metropol | 7 pm | with members of urgewald e.V. 
Darmstadt | starting 17.10. | Rex-Programmkino
Gießen | starting 17.10. | Kinocenter 
Aachen | starting 17.10. | Apollo Kino & Bar 
Leipzig | 17.10. | Passage Kinos | 6:30 pm
Dortmund | 18.10. & 23. 10. | Roxy | 8 pm
Tuttlingen | 21.10. | Scala Kino | 8 pm
Unterschleißheim | 23.10. | Capitol | 7:30 pm
Ludwigsburg | 23.10. | Luna Kino | tba
Bad Klosterlausnitz | 24.10. | Holzlandkino | tba
Berlin | 04.11. | Bildungswerk Berlin | tba
Alpirsbach | starting 21.11. | Subiaco-Kino im Kloster 
Brühl | 27.11. | Zoom-Kino | tba
Freudenstadt | starting 28.11. | Subiaco im Kurhaus
Schramberg | starting 05.12. | Subiaco Schramberg


Don't miss the opportunity to experience the film on one of these dates and become part of an intense and inspiring evening. 









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