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Successful German premiere of "Windstill" with cast in Munich

On 9 November, the touching sister drama "Windstill" celebrated its successful German premiere at the Rio Filmpalast in Munich. In addition to director Nancy Camaldo, the main actors Giulia Goldammer, Thomas Schubert and Anselm Bresgott were also there to present their film.


Image, from left: German premiere of "Windstill" with Thomas Schubert (actor), Nancy Camaldo (director), Giulia Goldammer (actress), Anselm Bresgott (actor) © W-film / Bernhard Schmidt


Cast & Crew presented "Windstill" at the Rio Filmpalast

The film team present at the Q&A afterwards was much larger: Among others, the Munich producers Sandra and Natalie Hölzel, commissioning editor Natalie Lambsdorff (BR) and Saskia Wagner from FFF Bayern as well as numerous members of cast and crew were present. So the well-filled auditorium, moderated by Christina Wolf, enjoyed an all-round successful cinema evening. Nancy Camaldo talked about her inspiration for "Windstill", Giulia Goldammer emphasised how much "heart and soul" had gone into this young film project and last but not least Anselm Bresgott entertained the audience with an anecdote about a missing sheep on the last day of shooting.

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