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Sweet Poison

Germany 2012 / Documentary / 89 minutes / Director: Peter Heller / Universal

A sharp-sighted revision to 50 years of independence and half a century on the drip of development aid

Together with African intellectuals and practitioners, the renowned Africa expert Peter Heller comes to the sobering conclusion that aid is a business for donors and a dangerous addictive drug for its recipients. It creates dependence and lethargy. Will the "African patient" only recover through a radical rehab? A film that tackles the taboos of the African scene, raises critical questions and forces us to think.


Production funding

MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (FFHSH) Deutscher Filmförderfonds (DFFF) Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) Film- und Medienstiftung NRW

Distribution funding

Film- und Medienstiftung NRW Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM)